Our Services: Solar Whole Home Battery / Generator Hybrid Backup
With the introduction of whole home battery backup, a rush of enthusiasts were disappointed to find out that due to their power consumption and/or the size of their HVAC unit, they were unable to take advantage of this new exciting technology. Well, the wait is now over! With the new advances in system integration, the Whole Home Battery/Generator Hybrid Backup is the answer to this problem.
In addition to all the benefits of a Whole Home Battery Backup System, a hybrid system can do even more, including:
- Cover homes with large HVAC systems including 5 or even 6 Ton units.
Cover homes with multiple mid sized units. - Ensure that homes with high power needs including electric vehicles or large electric instant water heaters have a secondary source just in case it is needed.
- Provide emergency power in case the battery bank runs low overnight, or if there is an extended period of inclement weather.
- Extend the life of your generator and its fuel source by shifting it to a secondary backup instead of the primary.
While at times, it can be conflicting on whether it is appropriate to do the responsible thing or the practical thing, with Whole Home Battery/Generator Hybrid Backup, you won’t have to choose between the two!