Why Solar Energy?
An Investment in Your Future, with Benefits for Today
Over the last decade, the solar industry has experienced a monumental evolution. What was once considered a vanity investment or a “Go-Green” initiative, has now expanded into a solution for some of the most basic needs of every homeowner and business. As a result, the buzz surrounding solar, as a whole, has reached a level never seen before, with anticipation that it will only increase moving forward, which begs the all-important question: Is solar right for me?
Well, let’s find out!

Are you concerned with short and long term financial planning?
Being impacted by the rise in energy costs is only a matter of time for us all. The combination of the cost of fuel, upgrading and maintaining infrastructure, and legislation puts us all at risk of having to make tough decisions, financially. Having your own “power plant” at home is the most effective way to stave off the uncertainty of the cost of energy now, and in the future.
Save Money

Are you concerned with the grid instability caused by natural disasters and aging infrastructure?
When you have an infrastructure that is over 60 years old and unprepared for the emergence of the digital age of information technology, electric vehicles, cryptomining, etc., it doesn’t take much to disrupt the system. While generators were the solutions of the past, the access and cost of fuel, along with the increasing cost of maintenance, make a sustainable, long term solar backup solution a realistic and attractive alternative.
Backup Power Source

Are you concerned with the future of your food, water, and air?
It is unfortunate how badly time has exposed the shortcomings of the past. With modern testing, we have seen the collateral effect of poorly designed natural gas plants and inadequately lined coal ash plants compromising our drinking water, vegetation, and livestock. Regardless of where your beliefs lie surrounding the urgency of these problems, reducing your personal dependence on these traditional energy production vehicles reduces their use and will have a lasting positive impact for us all.
Go Green

Are you concerned with making your money work for you in this generation, and for your family in the next generations?
The concept of owning your own power is foreign to so many people. From the moment we started paying our own power bill, we just accepted that this would be an expense that we would pay for a lifetime. It would be hard to calculate what a power company makes off of an individual and his/her family for a lifetime, and when factoring in the fruits of your investment, it can become even more infuriating. Our solar projects are warrantied for 30 years, solar in general has a reputation of a lifetime of 40 to 50 years, and when they are paid in full, they are yours to own.
Own Your Power
If any of these concerns resonate with you, congratulations, you have become part of the tens of thousands of people who research solar everyday. If you want to explore how solar can solve all of these problems and give you control of your power like you never imagined before, click the link below to schedule your personalized solar evaluation!